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Showing posts with label MC dan Pidato. Show all posts

31 March 2022

Naskah MC Bahasa Jawa Kegiatan Ziarah Massal


Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh

Alhamdulillahi ‘alaa alaa ihi,Wassholatu wassalamu ‘alaa anbiyaa ihi

Wa ‘alaa alihi wa ashabihi wa ahibba ihi, Amma ba’du

  • ·  Wonten ngarsanipun poro alim, poro kiyai, sesepuh pinisepuh soho tokoh masyarakat ingkang tansah kitho hormati
  • ·  Wabilkhusus Panjenenganipun Romo Kyai Ahmad Jazuli soho Romo Kyai Muhammad Islahul Umam ingkang kita dereaken dawuh lan mauidhohipun
  • ·  Ibu Kepala Desa beserta perangkat pemerintahan Desa Sambung, ingkang kito hormati

  • ·  Ketua BPD lan sedoyo anggotanipun ingkang kito hormati
  • ·  Sedoyo jajaran pengurus NU, Muslimat, GP Ansor  , Fatayat, IPNU-IPPNU soho UPZISNU-Lazisnu Care Ranting Desa Sambung, ingkang tansah kito hormati lan tresnani
  • ·  Poro hadirin-hadirot, zaairin-zaairot ingkang sami rawuh wonten maqbaroh muslim Desa Sambung ingkang kito hormati
  • ·  Sedoyo ingkang terkait kaliyan majlis do’a sonten puniko ingkang kitho hormati ugi

Alhamdulillah was syukru lillah ala ni’amillah wonten kesempatan puniko  Allah SWT taksih paring pinten-pinten kenikmatan, pinten-pinten rohmat, hidayah, i’anah soho pinten-pinten fadhol kangge kitho sedoyo, arupi kesarasan, kesehatan, tetep iman islam soho kesempatan sehinggo kitho sonten puniko saged derek-derek ngayu bagyo atas kegiatan Ziarah Massal Desa Sambung Tahunn 1443 H kanthi keadaan selamet, wilujeng mboten wonten alangan setunggal punopo, amin Allohumma amin

Sholawat soho salam mugio tansah katur dumateng junjungan kitho Rasulullah SAW, biqoulina Allahumma Sholli ‘ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ‘ala ali sayyidina Muhammad , kanthi harapan mugi-mugi kitho sami, soho keluargo wonten dalem estu-estu termasuk golonganipun ummat ingkang sak mangke pikantuk syafaat ipun , amin Allahumma Amin

Poro hadirin sedoyo ingkang minulyo

Majlis kirim do’a ingkang dipun kemas mawi Kegiatan Ziarah Massal dalam rangka menyambut bulan suci Romadhon 1443 H, Pemerintah Desa Sambung bersama NU Se-Banom Desa Sambung, Kamis Legi, 31 Maret 2022 dipun milai kanti runtutipun adicoro :    

  • 1.     Pembukaan
  • 2.    Waosan Ayat Suci Alqur’an
  • 3.    Tahlil soho Do’a
  • 4.    Sambutan-sambutan
  • 5.    Mawaidhul Husna

Poro rawuh ingkang kawulo hormati

Sumonggo majlis sonten puniko kitho bikak lan wiwiti sesarengan kanthi waosan surotul fatihah kanthi pengajeng-ajeng, mugio acoro lumampah kanti  lancar, bekto barokah dateng kito sedoyo ingkang rawuh soho keluarga lan masyarakat Desa Sambung, Ala hadhihin niyyah alfatihah


Wondene acara sak lajengipun inggih puniko waosan ayat suci Alqur’an ingkang bade dipun selirani panjenenganipun Bapak Isyaron, dumateng panjenenganipun wekdal kasumanggaaken

Matur sembah nuwun

Ndongkap acoro candakipun injih Tahlil ma’ad Du’a ingkang bade dipun pimpin panjenenganipun Romo Kyai Ahmad Jazuli

Dumateng panjenenganipun wekdal kawulo sumanggaaken 

Matur sembah nuwun

Acoro ingkang kaping sekawan nuwun injih sambutan-sambutan.

Sambutan ingakang sepindah saking panitia Ziarah Massal , ingkang bade dipun sampeake panjenenganipun Ustadz Ahmad Fadholi, S.Pd,I.

Dumateng panjenenganipun wekdal kawulo sumanggaaken

Sambutan ingkang kaping kaleh nuwun injih saking pemerintahan Desa Sambung, ingkang bade kaaturaken panjenenganipun Ibu Kepala Desa,

Dumateng Ibu Astuti Widyawati, S.Pd wekdal kawulo sumanggaaken

Matur nuwun

Selajeng acoro ingkang pungkasan , injih puniko Mawaidhul Husna, ingkang kito ajeng-ajeng saking panjenenganipun Kyai Muhammad Islahul Umam ( Direktur Aswaja Center Kudus)

Dumateng panjenenganipun , wekdal kawulo sumanggaaken

Mekaten menggah acoro kegiatan Ziarah Massal Pemerintah Desa Sambung beserta NU se-Banom Desa Sambung tahun 1443 H/2022 M.

Kawulo minangkani pranoto acoro, sedoyo khilaf lan kesalahan nyuwun agungipin pengapunten

Ing Wusono, sumonggo kita pungkas kanthi waosan tasbih lan sholawat sesarengan


Subhana robbika robbil izzati amma yashifun, wasalamun alal mursalin, walhamdu lillahi robbil alamin

Allohumma sholli ala sayyidina Muhammad

Wal afwu minkum

Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh


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22 April 2017

Characteristics of the ideal teacher

A TEACHER plays a pivotal role in the process of education. Theoretically, no teacher will ever become totally ideal. Becoming totally ideal would mean that the teacher has achieved such a level of perfection that she or he no longer requires further effort toward improvement and, consequently, growth would be checked.

An ideal teacher usually possesses these characteristics: he has unassailable command on his subjects. He knows fully the contents of the subjects which he has to teach. Truly exceptional teachers are scholars and are constantly reading and upgrading themselves in their subject. The tone of expression of the ideal teacher is not gruff, irksome and morose but is pleasant.

An ideal teacher has a good sense of humour/smiles. But this fun is not of impolite nature. An ideal teacher has the highest degree of integrity. An ideal teacher is susceptible to adaptation or modification.

Being flexible means that if students are not interested in learning a new or even a new good lesson due to some reasons, then he is not recalcitrant regarding straightway teaching of the lesson. Rather he talks about problems that have arisen in the classroom and eventually gets back to the lesson.

An ideal teacher is concise and clear in both oral and written expression in the classroom. An ideal teacher is patient. Being patient is often expressed as being diligent or persevering.

Learners are genius, gifted, mentally retarded, dyslexic, emotionally disturbed and some patience is required for employing carefully individual teaching - learning technique for individual learner. Only in this way, bits of progress can be observed day to day.

An ideal teacher is self-confident. The ideal teacher is a model of self-confidence. It is a source of great pleasure and they show it in their facial expression and in their positive attitude around the school. People always seem to have time to talk to a colleague or to do something extra for the school or the staff. One key to be upbear is having a good self-concept.

An ideal teacher is open. This trait is related with willingness of the teacher to share happiness about his own life to illustrate a point or share how they feel about a given situation. An ideal teacher is diversified with regard to his preparation. This means that the teacher not only focuses on specific areas but has considerable command on the related subjects. This diversification trait will enable him to elaborate and illustrate the subjects in more persuasive manner.

The ideal teacher is an excellent role model. Being a good role model to all the children, teacher whatsoever teaches is one of the greatest contributions he can make to society.

An ideal teacher is capable of relating theory with practice. In textbooks, there are suggestions for doing things individually or as a group to enhance interest and motivation in teaching. Learners can display these activities, if their teacher is capable of interrelating the theory in practice.

An ideal teacher has good personal hygiene and is well groomed. He is always neat, clean, and wears type of clothing that is acceptable in the school building in which he teaches.

He helps students having difficulties. Furthermore, he or she is disciplined, cooperative, friendly with his colleagues and obedient to the head of the institution.

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21 March 2017

Honesty in The Daily Life

 Kawan Kabarmadrasah
satu lagi yang dapat kami haturkan untuk panjenengan dalam memperkaya khasanah materi dan skill dalam pidato bahasa inggris, mari kita simak ....!
Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi wabarokatuh
The Honorable the juries
The Honorable the committee of the competitions
The honorable all the participans and the audiences of this speech contest

Firstly, Alhamdulillah we said to Allah SWT ,god who has given us healthy body and the good opportunity to meet in this occasion.
Secondly, Sholawat and salam be just to our prophet Muhammad SAW , who carried us from jahiliyyah er to Islamic era until now
Ladies and gentlemen
Nowadays, our country Indonesia has been developing in many fields. The developing process included not only to develop many infrastructures but also to developthe human being resources. As we know, our countrynfaces many problems. Such as : the poverty rate is still very high, the unemployment problems, the educationand the health problem and the other. So we have to solve these problems in order to be a prosperous country. Unfortunately, our effort to solve these problems have been dirty by some bad practices. They are corruption, collusion, and nepotism. It is serious problem if we don’t stop it, I think we will be poor nation forever. What’s a pity?
Ladies and gentlemen

How to solve it? Many people said that the corruption problem in Indonesia is very compilated. So, it is very difficult to attempt it. They also said that the corruption hd been part of our culture . is it true? However , our government has made some rules and the commission to run out this problem. But there are too many cases. Wow…..

Ladies and gentlemen
Majority Indonesian are moslem. Is it true? In my opinion , they have not understood the Islamic rules correctly. For example: what important the honesty in our life. May be only few people in Indonesia can act and saying truth. Allah said in Al qur;an
Yaa ayyuhalladzina aamanuu lima taquuluuna maalaa taf’aluun
Our prophet , Muhammad also said :
Qulil haqqo walau kaana murro
So in our life, we should be able to say and practice the honesty whatever, whenevwe, and wherever. How to do that? Whwn and where?
Ladies and gentlemen

To do the honesty in every activity, we can start from :
1.    Ourselves
We begin doing and saying honesty from our selves. For example : we are students. We can practice the honesty by coming to school on time, don’t cheat if there is a test. And also we must obey our parents and also our teacher. Don’t ever say a life . if we are a civil servant, we have to work hard. Our duty is advices from Allah and Indonesian people. We must realize that.
If every people can do this, I think our beloved country Indonesia will solve the problem.
2.    Our family
Our family is the smallest society in our nation. If there is the honesty amog the members of our family, it will from the happy family in the world and hereafter.
3.    From Now
we can’t make longer to do it. If not, our nation must be sacrificed. And the effect is, the damage and the destructionnwill happen in our country

Ladies and gentlemen
The last, we know that a lie is munafiq attitude. As our prophet said :
Ayatul munafiqi tsalatsun
1.    Idza hadasa kadzaba
2.    Waidza wa’ada akhlafa
3.    Waidza’tumina khona

I think it is enough. Thank you for your attention. See you next time

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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19 March 2017

How to Improve the Moral of Young Generation

Kawan Kabarmadrasah
Berikut ini kami menghaturkan beberapa dokumen untuk naskah pidato berbahasa Inggris untuk dijadikan referensi buat mengikuti lomba atau sekedar menambah skill kita
contoh pidato

Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh
Honorable the judge
Honorable the committee of this competition
And all the audiences in this contest that I’m respectfull

First of all, let’s thank to God Allah SWT that we can gather here on this nice day
Secondly, sholawat and salaam be just to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has safe mankind from destruction to the peace. He had been example on the moral side , as his said : Innamaa bu’istu liutammima makaarimal akhlaqi,
Thirdly, I would like to say thank for the committee who has given me a chance to deliver a speech. I will use the forum to improve my English skill and to give some information to all of you. I hope that my speech will be usefull for us. I would like to deliver my speech entitled : “How to improve the moral of young generation” .
The honorable juries, committee, and all participants of this competition
Nowadays, our society is experiencing moral degradation to be able said on the third stadium. Some example of moral degradation are :
•    Young generation used narcotics, and drugs. They thought that using the drugs could solve their problem. You know , it isn’t true. It can endanger our life
•    They are false to mean modernizations and westernizations. We have seen, many boys and girls have bad attitude. Like free sex, wear miniskirt and so on
•    They change the idol from prophet Muhammad SAW to artist ( celebrities ). They prefer to imitate their’s action that our prophet Muhammad , Naudzu billah
The honorable juries, committee and all participants of this competition
May be, it is a part of example degradation of moral, but before I speak long , I want to ask  to you all, what is the meaning of moral?? Anybody Know? don’t know what the meaning of moral. OK. I will explain it .
Moral is habits culture from behavior of human that good or bad. Then how to improve the moral of our young generation? Who have receipts?
The honorable juries, committee and all participants of this competition
I’ve five receipts to improve the moral :
1.    Read Alqur’an , not read the novel, comics, etc.
We know that Alqur’an is the guidelines for us to get the happiness in the word and the here after
2.    Get relation with good person ( sholeh)
Having a good friend will give us some advantages than the bad friends
3.    Fasting to fight humanity passion
With fasting we can prevent ourselves to do the sinfulness
4.    Praying Tahajjud
To be nearer with Allah , we should use our time to be better
5.    Always remember to Allah in any situation
We must be afraid to allah and remember Him, whenever, whatever, and wherever.
Do you remember it, my friends? I repeat once more. Save on your mind, then  we carry out the fifth receipts it. So Insya Allah we will be the young Muslem generation that have level headedhuman potentials that bared level headed or good moral
The honorable juries, committee and all participants of this competition
That’s all my speech . I hope you can understand what I told yu and it may be useful for us. I think it’s time for me to finish this speech and thank you for your attention.
Please forgive me for my mistakes
Wallahul Muwafiq Ilaa Aqwamit Thoriq
Wassalamu’alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh

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07 January 2016


   Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
 Hamdan Lillah, Sholatan Wa Salaman ala Rosulillah...
 La Haula Wa La Quwwata illa Billah amma Ba’du...

Honorable Judges
Respectabale all of the audiences and everyone here...

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Allah The Almighty. It’s because of Him, at the present time I am standing before you all, joining this english speech contest and it’s such a pride for me.

          And as a good moslem, we should always deliver sholawat and salam upon our great prophet Mohammad, with a hope that we all get his blessing in the next here after life, amin .......

Ladies and Gentlemen....

          Let me take your time for a moment to give my speech entitled “ SAVING THE MORALITY OF OUR YOUNG GENERATION”

          We all have known that young people now are the leaders in the future. It was what Imam Syafi’i had said. And what does it mean ? it means that they are our worthy human resources. It means that how good and how bad our country will be, depends on our young generation now. That’s why we must keep and save them from the bad influences of this globalization era.

          Why ??? yeah, the question is why ? why must we do it? and why is it the globalization era? What’s the matter with the globalization era?

          Because in this globalization era, many things such as lifestyles, thoughts from other countries, from western countries can come easily to our country. They can come through the television, newspapers, magazines, facebook, twitter, google, youtube and other mass medias. And it is very easy for our young people now to watch them, to read them and to be influenced by them.

          It will be okey, it will be alright as long as it is the dicipline culture of western countries that influences our young generation. But on the contrary, it will be such a dangerous thing, it will be such a serious problem for our country if our young people are only influenced by the liberty of western countries. There will be many young people get addicted to drug, there will be many young people fall into the juvenile delinquency, there will be many young people adore seculerism, and there will be many young people prefer the lifestyle of the liberty offered by western countries. And if it happens, what will our beloved country be in the future ? Of course our country will be a bad ,broken and messed country since it will be led by the bad young generation whose minds are contaminated by the bad influences of western countries.

          How big and vital is the role of the young generation for the better or the worst country in the future so that Mr. Soekarno, our first president, said “ Give me ten young men, and I will change the world with them !! imagine !! only ten young men, yeah only ten young men Mr. Soekarno said, and the world will change with them !!

          Ladies and Gentlemen,

          One of the solutions to keep and to save our young generation from the bad effect of the globalization era is by giving them religious education as much as possible.

          And one way to educate them with many lessons of religion is by sending them to Madrasah Tsanawiyah where they can learn many things about islamic attitudse, islamic laws and everything about islam as our way of life.

          We , however, will never be able to warn, to prevent and to avoid our young people to watch, to read, and to know other countries’ culture and lifestyle all the time. In this case, Madrasah Tsanawiyah plays its role. Madrasah Tsanawiyah must educate its students everything that Islam teaches for its believers. Madrasah Tsanawiyah must teach them about what they should hold in facing and doing this life, that we can find it in Al-Quran and Al-Hadits. Madrasah Tsanawiyah must teach them about how the way their attitudes should be that we can find it in Ta’lim Mutaallim. Madrasah Tsanawiyah must teach them about whom they should follow, and those are our great prophet Mohammad and Ulama.

             And if all Madrasah Tsanawiyah do this, the morality and the character of our students will be the morality and the character of Al-Quran Hadits, will be the morality and the character of our great prophet Mohammad and Ulama, and will have the attitudes of Ta’lim Mutaallim. 

          Ladies and Gentlemen,

          I know and I realize that this sounds too ideal for you all. But at least, with the role of Madrasah Tsanawiyah as I have said, our students, our young generation can value which one is good and which one is bad, which one they should do and which one they shouldn’t do, which one they should follow and which one they shouldn’t follow for themselves in facing this globalization era. So that wherever they are far away from their parents’ and their teachers’ watch, their morality and their character will not be poisoned by the bad influences of this globalization era.  And if that’s the way our students, our young generation are, we will have a bright human resources for a better country in the future.

          Ladies and Gentlemen, let me close my speech with such a quote

Thank you....

And finally I say Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
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