There is no day without sin
That's the dilemma we experience every day.
But God's forgiveness is always ready for us.
Therefore, it is obligatory for us to repent of all the small and big
sins, which appear or are hidden.
Because repentance is the first step that a servant steps on in his
moral journey. And that is the basis of all maqom (position with Allah) and
Allah likes those who repent.
In this case Allah SWT said,
"Verily, Allah accepts repentance from His servants and forgives
evil deeds."
Rasulullah SAW said,
"People who repent of sin are like innocent people."
However, we must know that repentance will not be valid without being
accompanied by leaving the sinful act and deep regret for the action and the
determination to not repeat it for the rest of his life.
Baca Juga
People who truly repent have several signs. Among them are
heartbreaking, crying a lot, always being obedient, and away from friends who
behave badly and away from immoral places.
The duty of a
believer is to guard himself from disobedience, both small and large as he
protects himself from burning flames, submerging water, and deadly poisons.
Therefore, let us
not pursue immorality which is done but not immediately repent. And don't
rejoice after committing the sin.
If you fall into
it, then immediately cover it up, hate it, and repent from it.
And we should also
constantly renew our repentance to Allah, multiply forgiveness both during the
day and night, especially before dawn. Because humans will never be separated
from various kinds of disobedience both dhohir and mind.
Suffice it to be an
example for us Rasulullah SAW, every day he is taking over 70 times. Even
though he is the Apostle who is ma'shum (free from error and sin).
Let us multiply our
forgiveness to Allah SWT, we repent with the repentance of the nasuhah, because
the mercy of Allah is broader than our sins.
May Allah forgive
our sins and accept our repentance. Aamiin Yaa Robb
Source: Risalatul
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